And I think I'm done with it all
I didn't sleep again last night, and it is time for me to move on emotionally.Having looked at Florida I think I know what happened, and it probably happened nationwide. I do not think it was massive vote fraud. There was definitely fraud in Miami-Dade which turned Florida to Obama. But there is a reason we say "win beyond the margin of fraud". We didn't win by enough. This allowed the votes of a single large Democrat county to manipulate the vote totals enough to swing the election. I suspect this occurred in all the rest of the swing states. For future reference, if a Republican wants to win in Florida, he needs to win by over 500,000.
So what went wrong? Romney turned out enough votes in every county to exceed McCain's numbers. But he didn't exceed by enough. Whether or not this was a failure of the ORCA program, or a failure of the campaign, I can't tell you. I don't think it matters.
We don't have enough votes to win a national election, and I don't think we ever will. The Democrats have their core votes who they have proven able to turnout as needed in an election. Our core votes appear to be barely enough to match them, but not by enough. And not enough to overcome election tricks and fraud to which they have no moral objection, but we do.
I actually believe that the Rasmussen month party ID poll is correct. Republican identification is 4 points higher than Democrat identification. The problem is that they have enough certain voters to produce a D+6 electorate. This is now the second election that it has occurred. Republicans can only get about 33% of the electorate to the polls, the rest of us don't vote.
There is no specific block of voters that sat out. SoCans, FiCons, and Hawks all turned out at expected levels. But they aren't enough.
The problem is the less engaged low information voters. They simply won't vote for Republicans. The culture and the media have made it such that our beliefs and values are mocked and ridiculed, and that matters. These voters are shaping their political opinions by watching The Daily Show. Principled positions that are important to members of our coalition are considered worthy of contempt. Gay marriage and antisemitism are now the cultural norms, leading us to loss of freedom and a more dangerous world.
I fully expect that with this loss the Republican party will now begin to pander to client groups in attempts to woo them into voting for us. This will be ultimately futile. It will shatter the coalition and enable the Democrats to further consolidate their voting blocks with these groups. The media and the culture are our enemy, and we can't win. We have no way of making free market capitalism attractive to the Honey BooBoos of the country. Not to mention principles positions on the sanctity of life.
On the pro-life position, we have lost. Infanticide is now considered a cultural norm, and anyone who believes that the brutal mutilation and murder of an unborn infant in the womb is just a neanderthal who doesn't understand women's health issues. Again the culture has driven us to this point. Young women under 40 will actually vote to keep their right to murder the child of an unplanned pregnancy over being employed.
At the end of the day, we just aren't hip and cool. The Jay-Zs and Kelly Clarksons of the world are determining who the rest of those voters will vote for. It isn't going to be us.
So now I am going to disengage and try to live my life in some level of comfort. I feel an acute sense of betrayal by my fellow citizens. Since there is no place else to go, I will have to try and hunker down into a shell and try to drown out the noise. If the American people prove at some point in the future that they are willing to take up the mantel of the principles they were gifted, then perhaps I will reengage. But I doubt they will.
It is worth remembering that Jeffersonian theory that the citizens own the State, may be the core principle of our founding, but it is not typical in the history of mankind. Statist ownership and control of the citizens is the normal way human governments have been established, either through monarchies, tyrannies, or bureaucracies. It is not surprising that our country will slowly march toward Statism. It is the typical choice, and can be seen in the voting choices in France and the UK.
So if that is the choice we have made, there is nothing I can do to stop it. I have maybe 30 years left in my life, I'm going to try and enjoy them as much as I can. And try to pretend that politics are unimportant.